The story behind a three women crew’s month-long exploration of the Raru Valley. The team was made up of Anna Pfaff, Lindsay Fixmer,  Savannah Cummins.

Abbie Barronian, writing for Adventure Journal:

For a few years, Anna had heard stories of a magical region in India with dozens of unclimbed mountains. In November 2016, Anna approached me and Lindsay about joining her on an expedition, and we couldn’t pass up the chance to see this region for ourselves. Anna has traveled to India multiple times and was in the Zanskar range last time she was in India and had heard about the Raru Valley. After doing some research she decided it would be a really cool valley to explore. Anna was the team leader on this expedition, so we followed her gut instinct.

I’ve gotten the opportunity to work with a lot of amazing women during my career, and have been lucky to go on a few other all-female trips. I’m sure part of that is the nature of the times–more and more women are in the sport and so naturally we gravitate towards each other. There are also women’s climbing festivals and events popping up all over and that’s a great networking opportunity and place to find rad female partners. But I also consciously look for female partners because, let’s face it, they look better on camera…

This page was last updated on 2018.01.20