To celebrate the release of their new book, The Solo Travel Handbook, Lonely Planet compiled a list of destinations for solo travellers, categorised by interest.

For adventures, they suggest South America. For foodies, Lonely Planet suggests solo travellers look to Vietnam.

From Lonely Planet:

With mountains to climb, rivers to raft, ancient ruins to uncover and jungles to explore, South America is the ultimate adventure destination. Don’t let its size daunt you – South America is more conducive to solo travel than you may think.

The well-worn Gringo Trail, which encompasses the continent’s most popular destinations along a vertical path, promotes recurring rendezvous with fellow adventurers and, for those inclined, provides ample opportunities to buddy up with travellers heading in the same direction. This, paired with the general warmth of local people and the continent’s premium hostel network, makes travel relatively simple, leaving you to focus your anxieties on the likelihood of long-dormant El Misti erupting during your morning ascent.

Epic solo travel experience: Mountain biking down Bolivia’s infamous Death Road and debriefing with your fellow riders over a few beers afterwards.

This page was last updated on 2018.01.12