Joey Schusler via Vimeo »

Kids and bikes; wherever you are in the world, they go together. The chaotic streets of Kathmandu may not seem like a typical breeding ground for world-class mountain bikers, but then again nothing is typical about Rajesh (RJ) Magar. Since learning to ride on a beat-up clunker, to becoming the four-time National Champion at age 21, RJ’s story is one of boundless childhood dreaming and unstoppable determination, forged from junkyard scraps and tested on the rugged trails of the mighty Himalaya.

Director » Joey Schusler
Co-Directors » Ben Page & Aidan Haley
Producers » Mandil Pradhan & Joey Schusler
Cinematography » Joey Schusler & Ben Page
Editor » Aidan Haley
Assistant Editor » Ben Page
Sound Engineer » Keith White

This page was last updated on 2020.08.09