Category: Europe » (Page 11 of 11)

Scotland: Right to Roam

This Patagonia film explores how being respectful, reasonable, and responsible allows universal outdoor land access and the shelters that support mountain folks to rove freely.

Norway aims for all flights of 90-minutes or less to be electric by 2040

Norway already has more electric vehicles than any other nation.

Agence France-Presse in The Guardian:

All of Norway’s short-haul airliners should be entirely electric by 2040, the country’s airport operator said on Wednesday, cementing the Nordic nation’s role as a pioneer in the field of electric transport.

Avinor, the public operator of Norwegian airports, “aims to be the first in the world” to make the switch to electric air transport, chief executive Dag Falk-Petersen said.

Ness Knight fell in love with Scotland’s fragile beauty

Ness Knight is gearing up for the biggest adventure of her life, to row the Pacific Ocean — solo — later this year. Yet she makes time for other adventures, like exploring Scotland. Next month Ness will head off to the Guyana with Laura Bingham and Pip Stewart to paddle the Essequibo River.

Tom Ough, writing for The Telegraph:

We often think of the British Isles as tame, wildlife-wise, and crowded. But neither is true of the Highlands, and that was part of Ness’s justification for going there. She is an adventurer, having crossed the harsh Namib desert solo, paddle-boarded 1,000 miles of the Missouri river, and cycled the breadth of Bolivia without spending any money – but in exploring wild Scotland, she believed, she could show her online followers that you don’t have to take a long-haul flight to go adventuring.

Ness worked her way clockwise around the north of Scotland, starting at Glencoe and moving on to Skye. From there she went to the Outer Hebrides, visiting the hilly, weather-battered island of Barra, before heading back to the mainland.

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