Category: Africa » (Page 2 of 8)

Cyclists welcomed by the Warm Hearts of Africa

TDA Global Cycling Tour d’ Afrique ::

“When I arrived in Malawi, I met a group of locals who welcomed me by saying: “Welcome to the warm heart of Africa”

Riders An, Stephen and Patrick reflect on their time on the road from Nairobi in Kenya, over Arusha and Mbeya in Tanzania, through Malawi and all the way down to the capital of Zambia.

They talk about the people they have met and what life has been like on the Tour d’Afrique 2023 ever since touching down in Sub-Saharan Africa.

A collection of centuries-old fortified cities in the M’Zab Valley go to great lengths to protect and preserve their traditional way of life


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Ten driest places on Earth

Driest places on earth based on least average annual precipitation »

  • McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (0 mm / 0 inches annual precipitation)
  • Arica, Chile (0.76 mm / 0.03 in)
  • Al Kufrah, Libya (0.86 mm / 0.03 in)
  • Aswan, Egypt (0.86 mm / 0.03 in)
  • Luxor, Egypt (0.86 mm / 0.03 in)
  • Ica, Peru (2.29 mm / 0.09 in)
  • Wadi Halfa, Sudan (2.45 mm / 0.1 in)
  • Iquique, Chile (5.08 mm / 0.2 in)
  • Pelican Point, Namibia (8.13 mm / 0.32 in)
  • El Arab (Aoulef), Algeria (12.19 mm / 0.48 in)

Spain, Morocco to open land border crossing next week after being closed for more than 2 years due to COVID-19 restrictions

Ashifa Kassam, Associated Press »

The land borders between Morocco and Spain’s North African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla will reopen next week, Spain said Thursday, after being closed for more than two years due to COVID-19 restrictions and tensions between the two countries.

Spanish Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska told reporters the reopening will start gradually from May 17. Crossings will be initially limited to residents of Europe’s passport-free Schengen area and their family members, and will be expanded to cross-border workers by the end of the month.

Elsewhere » La Prensa Latina

Meet Fernanda Maciel, the Brazilian woman who ran up and down Mount Kilimanjaro in 10 hours

Source » Wired for Adventure

Source » Wired for Adventure

Wired for Adventure »

Back in 2017, she conquered Africa’s tallest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895m), running up and down the peak in just over 10 hours, setting a new female speed record for the round trip and beating the previous time by almost three hours.

Fast forward to the present and Fernanda holds records for being the first female to run up the highest peak in the Americas, Aconcagua (6,961m) as well as her record on Kilimanjaro.

Wired For Adventure magazine has a profile of Fernanda Maciel in the current issue.

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An invitation to discover Africa through its gastronomy

A Tour of African Gastronomy

A Tour of African Gastronomy

Much of a nations’ culture is defined by food. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has published a 90-page Tour of African Gastronomy. They suggest African cuisine is a treat hiding in plain sight that remains relatively unexplored.

The rich and endlessly diverse flavours of the continent tell stories and rituals steeped in history. Explore the legacy of centuries of amazing culinary traditions hand in hand with some of the most prominent figures of African gastronomy. Over thirty Chefs will take you on a trip around the wonderful flavours and delicacies whose preparation alone is akin to a performance.

The impossible balance between human ingenuity, natural wonder and roaring wilderness continues to fascinate travellers which turn out in flocks to explore Africa. To this day it is well known that Africa,
if anything, spells adventure. However, despite a growing number of travellers every year setting off to discover the many hidden jewels Africa has to oer there is a treat hiding in plain sight that remains relatively unexplored: its cuisines.
Whereas tourists defy safaris under the blazing sun, raft down the Zambezi River and hike the Kilimanjaro, few are those that bring the African experience to their taste buds. Inexplicably, among the many treasures the continent conceals, the food remains perhaps the biggest mystery of them all.
From the notorious tajines and couscous in the north, to a long-standing tradition of barbecued goodies, as well as splendid variety of stews and hundreds of different types of breads to heartily dip into all these rich flavours, Africa truly is an atlas of flavours. Besides, the food is not only savoury but also surprisingly healthy as many dishes are based on combinations of delicious fruits and vegetables.
eISBN: 978-92-844-2235-7 | ISBN: 978-92-844-2234-0

Top 30 countries ranked for adventure (2021)

The US News and World Report has again ranked countries according to how well they break from the norm and fulfill people’s wanderlust and desire for adventure.

The top 30 adventure rankings for 2021 are »

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The Newcomers’ Guide to The Seven Summits and the continental conundrum

Seven Summits (Source » Wikipedia)

Seven Summits (Source » Wikipedia)

Martin Walsh, Explorersweb »

The Seven Summits has become part of the adventure lexicon, shorthand for the highest mountain on each continent.

The most commonly accepted list is:

  • Mount Everest, Asia, 8,849m
  • Aconcagua, South America, 6,961m
  • Denali, North America, 6,194m
  • Kilimanjaro, Africa, 5,895m
  • Mount Elbrus, Europe, 5,642m
  • Mount Vinson, Antarctica, 4,892m
  • Puncak Jaya/Carstensz Pyramid, Oceania, 4,884m

Mountaineers have sought to climb the highest peak on each continent since at least 1956 when American William Hackett completed five of the seven. However, he climbed Mont Blanc rather than Mount Elbrus and Mount Kosciuszko rather than Puncak Jaya, as these were considered the highest peaks in Europe and Oceania respectively at the time.

Read more at Explorersweb »

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