Category: Travel – General (Page 6 of 6)

‘The Great Alone’ documentary

This multi award-winning documentary explores the comeback of Lance Mackey, champion dog musher, in one of the most unforgiving regions of the world.

The Great Alone explores Mackey’s troubled youth, family history, how he overcame adversity and setbacks, and how second chances shaped him into a one of the great sled dog racers.

The Great Alone:

The Great Alone is a feature length documentary shot in the arctic wilderness of Alaska that captures the inspiring comeback story of champion sled dog racer, Lance Mackey. From his sunniest days as a boy by his famous father’s side to cancer’s attempt to unseat him, The Great Alone pulls viewers along every mile of Lance’s emotional journey to become one of the greatest sled dog racers of all time.

Grand Jury Award – Seattle International Film Festival
Grand Jury Award – Banff Mountain Film Festival
Grand Jury Award – La Costal Film Festival
Audience Award – Flixx Film Festival
Audience Award – Homer Documentary Film Festival
Best Exploration & Adventure Film – Banff Mountain Film Festival
Best Score – Flixx Film Festival
Best Sports Documentary – Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival

Currently on Netflix.

‘The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young’

The Barkley isn’t easy. But then that’s the point. It’s not your average ultra marathon. From the sign-up process to the completion of the course. The vast majority who attempt it never reach the finish line.

The race was conceived by Lazarus Lake (Gary Cantell) and Raw Dog (Karl Henn) as a mocking homage to a 1977 prison escape. The course, which changes every year, always traverses a tunnel under the prison.

You can view the madness on Netflix (and probably elsewhere).

Barkley Marathons Movie:

A famous prison escape sparks the idea for a cult-like race that has seen only 10 finishers in its first 25 years. This award-winning, oddly inspiring, and wildly funny documentary reveals the sports world’s most guarded secret.

Adventure travel set to grow in 2018

A key finding of the Adventure Travel Survey UK, produced by Wanderlust magazine, and released last week, shows that 30% of adventure travellers surveyed intended to take more trips this year compared with 2016 and 42% intended to spend more on travel.

The research showed that 74% planned to travel to more expensive destinations. The destination which topped respondents’ bucket lists was Antarctica, followed by New Zealand, Australia, Japan and the Galapagos.

The travel industry survey showed an increase in solo travellers taking adventure trips, growth in multi-generational travel groups, and instances of two friends travelling together.

More than 2,300 consumers completed the survey, including Wanderlust readers.

16 year old Jade Hameister is breaking records in Antarctica

Jade Hameister, a 16 year old student from Melbourne, Australia, is breaking records in Antarctica. She just become the the youngest person to ski to the North Pole, Greenland Ice Shelf, and now The South Pole.

Nicole Precel, writing in The Age:

The teen arrived at the South Pole after a gruelling 37-day journey and is the youngest to complete the polar hat-trick but is also the first woman to set a new route through Kansas Glacier from the Amundsen Coast of Antarctica.

“The one (record) I think is really special is the first woman to set a new route to the South Pole, and that’s kind of the one that I keep bringing up, the rest of them I’m not really fussed,” she said.

The ‘rest of them’ includes, at age 14, becoming the youngest to ski to the North Pole from anywhere outside the last degree of latitude, resulting in her being awarded Australian Geographic Society’s Young Adventurer of the Year.

Additional information is available from National Geographic Australia.

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