Category: Cycling (Page 1 of 5)

Hand cyclist Kevin Mills is the first quadriplegic person to cross the country by pedalling 8,400 kilometres with his arms and shoulders

Globe and Mail »

Alongside his cycling partner and trainer, Nikki Davenport, Mr. Mills’s journey began on May 24 at Canada’s most easterly point of land, the Cape Spear Lighthouse in Newfoundland. By the time the pair reached Victoria’s Ogden Point Breakwater Lighthouse on Saturday, his customized bike was in rough shape.

“It’s pretty beat up. The brakes are just about done. But it made it,” said Mr. Mills, who is 43 and from Newmarket, Ont.

All along the route, they were met with unrelenting kindness – from roadside cheers and meals from strangers, to the private donors who helped get him back on the road when the devastating theft of his specially adapted bike in Quebec City almost derailed the endeavour.

Teenager Adam Swanson spent the past two years cycling solo around the world

 Swanson has spent the past two years riding around 20 countries around the world, including Nepal.

Teenager Adam Swanson spent the past two years cycling around the world.

With no training, Adam and a friend flew to the Netherlands in August 2021, where they would begin their cycling journey. They had no real route plan but cycled their way across to Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia. After six months, Henry called it, while Swanson decided to continued on.


Now, after a “few years of unconventional education,” cycling across 20 different countries and four continents, Swanson is finally on his way home, and will begin studying at the University of Minnesota in September.

Nathan Starzynski » Cycling Canada solo tour » Manitoba

In the summer of 2022, Nathan Starzynski cycled 15,000 km across Canada in 175 days from May 21st to November 11th, Departing Victoria, BC, and arriving Cape Spear, NFLD.

This is the story of the fourth province of that journey. The Manitoba adventure took place from July 11th to July 24th, 2022.

Cycling Canada Ep 4 - Manitoba

Note: Clicking the above image will load and play the video from YouTube.

Building the Pamir Trail

Andrew Marshall, Explorersweb »

So far, the coalition has identified over half the route — roughly 850km. It’s hard to say how long the final trail will be.

Knowing that, in America, a problem with creating long-distance trails often springs from securing rights across privately-held land, I asked Baaker if he’d run into the issue.

“Actually, [the real problem] is the complexity of the terrain,” he said.

It seems a few spots in Tajikistan are so rugged that nobody has made trails there yet. That’s saying something for a country that’s been inhabited more or less constantly since the Bronze Age. Puzzling out how to get through certain passes, or around certain landslide-prone areas, is the primary problem Baaker and his team faces.

River crossings are another.


Cyclists welcomed by the Warm Hearts of Africa

TDA Global Cycling Tour d’ Afrique ::

“When I arrived in Malawi, I met a group of locals who welcomed me by saying: “Welcome to the warm heart of Africa”

Riders An, Stephen and Patrick reflect on their time on the road from Nairobi in Kenya, over Arusha and Mbeya in Tanzania, through Malawi and all the way down to the capital of Zambia.

They talk about the people they have met and what life has been like on the Tour d’Afrique 2023 ever since touching down in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Nathan Starzynski » Cycling Canada solo tour » Saskatchewan

In the summer of 2022, Nathan Starzynski cycled 15,000 km across Canada in 175 days from May 21st to November 11th, Departing Victoria, BC, and arriving Cape Spear, NFLD.

This is the story of the third province of that journey. The Saskatchewan adventure took place from June 30th to July 11th.

Cycling Canada Ep 3 - Saskatchewan

Note: Clicking the above image will load and play the video from YouTube.

Louisa & Tobi Cycle Peru, The Land of Extremes

From September to December 2022, Louisa and Tobi spent 89 days cycling 3215 kilometres through Peru, climbing a mind-blowing 55,000 meters in altitude!

After some 15 months into their world cycle tour, that they’ve called , Peru has so far been the country with the most adventure, the most remote trails and some of our greatest achievements. But it hasn’t been without many challenges.

You can also watch this episode on their Chains & Chords YouTube channel. The Video is 56 minutes.

Watch Maudi and Eric – of Wheels to Wander – overcome Iceland’s wind and rain

In this episode of Maudi and Eric world cycle tour, they battle through some harsh and rugged Icelandic conditions. Despite the cold, wind, rain, river crossings, and dirty roads, their grit and determination allow them to experience another of Iceland’s epic scenes.

Caught in the Rain | Off Road Bicycle Touring Iceland

Note: Clicking the above image will load and play the video from YouTube.

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